Hi peeps, you know I love updating my home ever so often. After having the yellow for a while, I decided it was time for a change. Drumroll please……….. PURPLE!
I was sitting thinking when I had this epiphany. With virtual design being so new and up-and-coming, there is probably a lot of people who don’t really know what...
I just realized I announced everywhere but here that our baby girl was born. And I definitely want to share on all platforms because an addition to our family...
You want to know something that is absolutely crazy. Just ridiculously ludacris?! Satan is always busy. He thrives from implanting fear in out hearts.
Hi guys! It’s Ravin. I’m trying to get better at being more productive during the week and actually stick to a constant blogging schedule. Getting on to the subject,...
I’m writing to share some life changing information with you all. It’s in regards to how we’ve been surviving in this house with no coat closet 😲. *gasp* You...
I can not believe a year has passed since my baby was born. It is already Kavin’s first birthday! I can honestly say that was the fastest, most challenging,...