Hi peeps, you know I love updating my home ever so often. After having the yellow for a while, I decided it was time for a change. Drumroll please……….. PURPLE!

Purple Dining Room Home Tour

In this post I will be sharing with you my purple themed home. I hope you can grasp some inspiration from it or even some motivation to update your home. It’s the small little things that add up and make a big impact. I’ll even be sharing with you how I created these affordable DIY faux floral arrangements. This will be fun 🥳

Without further ado, let’s jump into it!

DIY Vase Project

I’m really not a crafty person. I do the bare minimum such as the crossword wall art I created in my hallway upstairs but I would much rather purchase the majority of my decor. Unfortunately, when I was searching for gold vases, I wasn’t finding any of good quality and size that were under $100. That just was not an option… I mean, I have a 2 year old 😳

So instead of breaking the bank, I created these beautiful floral arrangements. You can watch the full process of me creating them below:

I love how they turned out! They have an amazing finish, so much so, my husband didn’t believe they were spray painted! 😂 Above all they complete my dining room perfect and was just what I was looking for. Amounting to just about $40 a piece, these were definitely worth the labor.

Dining Room View B

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Dining Room View C

Here’s a little #REALLIFE for you 😂💖💖

Real life mom life

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With my home being open concept, I wanted to carry the purple theme throughout my first level. Therefore, I added purple pillows, throw blanket and other small decor items to accomplish the look.

Purple Living Room
Purple Living Room View B

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Open Concept Living Room and Kitchen
Kitchen Vignette

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Eat In Kitchen with Open concept Kitchen

Sourced Items:

Living Room

Product Links:

I honestly love how chill and relaxing the vibe is in here now. So much so, I don’t believe I will be switching it for a while. But when I do… Can you guess what color is coming next???

Anyway, so great talking to you guys. If you need anything, feel free to reach out! I’m more active on instagram so feel free to follow me over there @loveravindesigns.

Until next time,