I just realized I announced everywhere but here that our baby girl was born. And I definitely want to share on all platforms because an addition to our family is such a blessing.
Caia Grace made her entrance into the world on February 6, 2020 at 4:19 p. She weighed 8 lbs 12.3 oz and was 20 in long. Now, 9 weeks later, she has gained 5 lbs and grown a whole 1.5 in!
She is the most sweet, chill, graceful baby I’ve encountered thus far. She reminds me a lot of her brother when he was a newborn. The only difference is she enjoys cuddling while he did not. He is definitely more of a “touch me when I want to be touched” person 🤣.
She is a water birth baby born at a birthing center with a midwife, nurses, and help from a doula. A very easy labor and birth. God is good!
Kavin loves her so much and is already showing signs of being her protector. When she cries he immediately runs by her side to comfort her and it just makes my heart smile. I was expecting the transition from 1 to 2 to be a lot harder. But he has made it easy on me, always wanting to help and not minding when I need to stop and feed her or do something for her, he’s patient, loving and kind.
Caia is such a blessing. I was worried because during pregnancy I wasn’t able to connect as much with her. I wasn’t able to sit and talk to her and read with her, or take naps, go to lots of baby yoga or anything that I did with my first pregnancy. But turns out I worried for no reason because all of that stuff is just a bonus. The real connection is when they are born and you hold and kiss them for the first time. Or at least that has been my experience.
No idea where the time went but my baby girl is already 2 months 😫 That literally flew by so fast and I wish time would slow down just a little.
She’s always smiling and is such a happy baby. Being around her immediately lifts your spirits.
I’m so lucky to have her…. I’m so blessed to have her….