I have no idea how to start this so Iā€™m just going to go for it. Hi! Iā€™m Ravin. Iā€™m wife to Antoine and mother of Kavin Alexander. Daughter of Raymond and Tamelia and sister to Walter and Steve. I went to MSU previously and graduated in 2015 with a Mechanical Engineering Degree (Yep! Not interior design šŸ˜‚)

Picture quality was horrible in 2015

After working for Iā€™d say 1 year I QUICKLY realized that just wasnā€™t for me. I felt sad a lot, and like I was missing what my purpose was. I couldnā€™t quite put my finger on anything that really brought me endless joy. That is, until my son was born. The sense of purpose I felt, immediatelyā€¦ and I do mean immediately after he was born, was overwhelming. I still feel that same feeling till this day and he will be 1 year old (I can not believe Iā€™m saying that) in less than a month now.

When Kavin was born my life direction completely changed. And I am so blessed to be able to say, my husbandā€™s life direction changed right along with mine. I no longer wanted to waste my life away for a paycheck. He also didnā€™t want that for me. I wanted desperately to be with Kavin and watch him grow. Soā€¦. I didnā€™t go back. Although I had every intention to…I didnā€™t.

Thee best decision I have every made!! And I have not and will NEVER regret it.

Iā€™m happy I can say that now, but during the decision-making period, it was not as easy. All I could think of due to my upbringing was the money needed in order for my family not to struggle. I could not see past the money obstacle BUT GOD continued to put small signs in my path.

ā€¢ The First Sign ā€¢

I could not find a part time position within my company. I couldnā€™t even find a decent job with decent ā€œnormalā€ 8-hour days within my company.

ā€¢ The Second Sign ā€¢

Due to being on maternity leave for 6 months at the time with no income, we made the sad decision to give away our Standard Poodle Melloā€¦ We just couldnā€™t afford him anymore with 1 income. And the lady who adopted Melloā€¦. Was a blessing. She said to me, ā€œyou need to do this for your family and I will take amazing care of your puppy donā€™t you worry. You can have everything in the world!… but not all at the same time.ā€ That realization is what set my path. I thank God for that small, subtle sign in which I needed so much.

ā€¢ The Third Sign ā€¢

My husbandsā€™ job was doing separation packages. Without going into too much detailā€¦. we needed another job. He put in endless applications and went on so many interviews, but no one would bite. But he never stoppedā€¦ I love that man. Eventually, God sent us a job in North Carolina and we listened. So now, we are North Carolinians šŸ˜Š

I totally got sidetracked but thatā€™s ok because itā€™s only my first post. I promise to get better with time. šŸ˜‚

Now, the question is: So how did you get started with interior design?

Iā€™ve always loved interior design. After graduating college, Antoine and I got an apartment and heā€™s so easy, he let me do anything I wanted. This includes paint the entire apartment purple ā€¦ Heā€™s a good guy.

I was able to dabble in to what I like and donā€™t like and came to find out I have a natural nitch in design.

Soon after, friends and family members began asking for help with their homes.

I even planned my own wedding from start to finish.

My passion is helping others create beautiful spaces and so I thought, why not create my own virtual interior design business. I love being a stay at home mom and helping people decorate spaces!

I hope Iā€™m able to help you. Iā€™ll be blogging about design tips, sharing our home, and even sharing my motherhood and family journey. If you ever find a place in your home and get stuck, arenā€™t sure what paint color to choose, or what piece of furniture to put in that corner, feel free to reach out šŸ’—